
Leonard Barry
Ronan Browne
www.irishmusicweddings.com - Have Ronan play at your wedding!
Alan Burton
Tomás Ó Canainn
Richard Cook
Mick Coyne
Mick Coyne MP3's
Patrick D'Arcy - Los Angeles, California, USA
Antón Davila
Dicky Deegan
Todd Denman
Troy Donockley
Tiarnán Ó Duinnchinn
Mickey Dunne
Michael Eskin
Jörgen Fischer - Sweden
Seán Folsom - Illinois, USA
David Goldsworthy Brisbane, Australia
Eliot Grasso
Video Clip - Kennedy Center
A Prarie Home Companion - Talent from Twelve to Twenty
Peter Heelan - Oakland, California - artist, piper, human being..... you decide!
Kelly Hood & Pat Simmonds - Spraoí
Patrick Jacob - Belgium
Tommy Keane
The Wind Among the Reeds
Paddy Keenan
Éire Japan
Peter Laban - They'll Be Good Yet!
Tommy Martin
Pádraic Mac Mathúna
Joe McHugh
Gay McKeon & Sons
Danny McLaughlin
Brian McNamara
Official Site
John McSherry
At First Light
Paddy Moloney
Néillidh Mulligan - Official Site
An Tobar Glé on Copperplate
Barr na Cúille on Copperplate
The Leitrim Thrush on Copperplate
Flaithrí Neff
Martin Nolan
Brian O'Brien
Mick O'Brien
Kitty Lie Over with Caoimhón O'Raghallaigh
Ancient Voice of Ireland
May Morning Dew
Mick's Discography
Kieran O'Hare
Jimmy O'Brien-Moran
Gaelic Roots: A Lecture and Recital by Jimmy O'Brien-Moran
Seán Reid's Favourite
Liam O'Flynn
The Brendan Voyage
Christy O'Leary
Fiachra O Regan - Quebec, Canada via Connemara, Ireland
Jerry O'Sullivan
David Power
Leo Rickard
Brendan Ring
Gary Roche
Kevin Rowsome
The Rowsome Tradition
Johannes Schiefner
Friels Kitchen
Davy Spillane official site
Davy on Tara Records
The Commonground site
Out Of The Air - Mystic Seacliffs
Marijcke Dirks Davy Spillane Page
Eugene Patrick Daly the original Titanic piper
Sean Talty - Milltown Malbay, Clare, Ireland.
Becky Taylor - Lancashire, UK.
Steve Turner
Eamonn Walsh
Ormonde Waters - Perth, Australia